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      Pastor Manning - Oct 7, 10:31am:
      Now we are teaching on what hinders favor which has taking us to the subject of the doctrine of baalam found in Rev 2:14
      james weresuk - Dec 14, 4:05pm:
      Hi, I am brother James, I can be seen most every Sunday on the front ,row left side of the church! Come down a give me a Holy Hug!
      james weresuk - Dec 14, 4:10pm:
      The lesssons on, the doctrine of baalam are very informaitive, especially in reguards to the Church!
      james weresuk - Dec 26, 11:34am:
      The lesssons on, the doctrine of baalam are very informaitive, especially in reguards to the Church!
      james weresuk - Dec 26, 11:39am:
      No service today because of the snow storm, so I to our web site and listened to a message on favor! I recieved some online favor from the Pastors message. PTL!
      Pastor Manning - May 20, 10:04am:
      Thanks Bro James for your comments they were encouraging I might also add the Galatians study has been exciting
      james weresuk - Nov 15, 4:27pm:
      I hope all of the church is following the Bible Reading schedule for the new year!There is a corperate
      Pastor Manning - Sep 30, 11:23pm:
      join us on Wed nights as we study the basics of Christianity
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